Wednesday 11 June 2014

Vegetarianism during pregnancy

Vegetarianism during pregnancy - True vegetarian-expectant mothers are quite confident that their way of eating includes the maximum amount of nutrients due to the volume of consumption of fruits and vegetables. And the number of meals with vegetables and fruits is much higher than the common man menu. Breakfast, lunch can include up to 5 courses. To fill proteins strongly recommend vegetarians include beans and nuts. Moreover, these products preclude Incoming protein with cholesterol, vascular occlusion threatening.

 And what usually happens when eating meat. Iron can be replenished, according to vegetarians by eating spinach, raisins, peas, tofu, oats, wheat germ, broth prunes, beans, wheat bran, etc.
Further Details Here Pregnancy Miracle Review

Along with the products, rich in iron, vitamin C needs to be used, which increases the absorption intensity iron body. If you are worried about the lack of calcium, which make up dairy products, there also is a vegetarian output.

Include in the diet of sesame seeds, broccoli, tofu, cabbage and special juices with added calcium. With enough enriched products necessary nutrients, vegetarians argue that only needed an additional intake of vitamin B 12.

In the future, stick to their mother’s vegetarian diet during breastfeeding, and often cater to their kids. Moreover, there is a belief that breast milk during this diet does not contain most of the toxins. Vegetarian children feel convinced and are less prone to food allergies.

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