Sunday, 29 June 2014

Lisa Olsen-Shallow breathing should not be messy

Shallow breathing should not be messy, keep the same rhythm: inhale and exhale for 2 seconds. This exercise is easier to do with your eyes closed. Shallow breathing helps with strong contractions during opening of the cervix because it is not involved diaphragm (the first stage of labor).
 During labor, it is important that the diaphragm - the muscle divisive chest and abdominal cavity, which stiffens and falls during inspiration - not pressing on the uterus. Therefore, the easier it will be your breath, the lower diaphragm descends, as required at this point.

Interrupted respiration - Crack opens your mouth, stick out your tongue, inhale and exhale loudly (like a dog),respiratory rate should be speeded up: do one breaths per secondduring training try to breathe thereby initially 30 seconds, then 45, 60 and later.

Shortness of breath will be useful at the end of the first stage of labor, when a woman has a desire to make an effort, but it is impossible to do this as long as the baby's head will not fall, and at the end of the second period, when she was born.Lisa Olsan News Blogs Pregnancy Miracle Review

Abdominal breathing - Put one hand on his stomach, the other - on the chest. Before starting the exercise, take a full breath. Then inhale through the nose, lifting the abdominal wall (i.e., inflating the abdomen). Hand lying on his stomach, has to move, and the other (chest) remain almost stationary.

 Then exhale slowly through your mouth, gradually lowering the abdominal wall (to the end of exhalation should it return to its original position).This exercise will help you to perform the following type of respiratory cycle.

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